Sura Muhammad Verse 7

What does to help God mean?

Khalil-ChampsiThe writer, Al-Hajj Khalil Champsi (Toronto, Canada) is a professional engineer, PMP certified, and a community volunteer.


Oyou who believe! If you help Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm. – Surah Muhammad – Verse 7

Whoever bears aid to the Islamic faith through his thought, speech, and deeds, God will also bear him assistance.

Man is a very limited creature and the assistance borne to the Religion of God is very restricted, but God is infinite and His Help springs from His Infinite Power. Addressing believers, the noble Verse says that if they help Allah, He will help them, and their foothold will be firm in the way of Truth. Helping God is on a par with helping His Religion and Messenger (S).

Whoever helps God’s Religion, i.e., the Islamic faith revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S) by any means possible to him through his life, property, pen, with attempts at helping to establish Islam, hinder corruption in religion, and bear assistance to believers through any possible means has helped God and strengthened His Religion and in return, God will strengthen his will to carry out his mundane and otherworldly tasks conveniently.

The Merits of Reciting the Chapter
According to a Prophetic tradition
“One who recites Sura Muhammad, God will provide him with the streams of Paradise.


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