
Balance and the hour of Resurrection

Seeking Proximity to Almighty Allah by Al-hajj Khalil Mohammed Hassan Champsi
The Qur’anic tradition is that it presents righteous good-doers and evil-doers, the good and the bad by comparing them, since differences become more obvious in comparison. Following a reference to the fate of wrong-doing disbelievers, the blessed Verses in question briefly allude to the happy fate of the God fearing saying that the God fearing shall abide amidst Gardens and rivers of Paradise in the expanse of Divine Favors and Bounties.

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moral and ethical values

The Pomp of the Tyrants

Seeking Proximity to Almighty Allah by Al-hajj Khalil Mohammed Hassan Champsi
The Qur’anic tradition is that it presents righteous good-doers and evil-doers, the good and the bad by comparing them, since differences become more obvious in comparison. Following a reference to the fate of wrong-doing disbelievers, the blessed Verses in question briefly allude to the happy fate of the God fearing saying that the God fearing shall abide amidst Gardens and rivers of Paradise in the expanse of Divine Favors and Bounties.

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moral and ethical values

Can moral and ethical values transform into a vibrant community?

Seeking Proximity to Almighty Allah by Al-hajj Khalil Mohammed Hassan Champsi
The Qur’anic tradition is that it presents righteous good-doers and evil-doers, the good and the bad by comparing them, since differences become more obvious in comparison. Following a reference to the fate of wrong-doing disbelievers, the blessed Verses in question briefly allude to the happy fate of the God fearing saying that the God fearing shall abide amidst Gardens and rivers of Paradise in the expanse of Divine Favors and Bounties.

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