Tarbiat e Aulad – Fazilat e Dua (video, Urdu)

The speaker, Dr Mirza Abbas Ali Khoyee (Andhra Pradesh, India) is an lecturer, marketing specialist, and runs a YouTube channel.

(8 minutes)

In this video, Maulana speaks about how Dua is one of the most powerful tools that we as humans have. It can reduce trials and tribulations, and is the direct way to speak to our Lord – a form of ibadat.

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About the author

Maulana has 5 years of teaching experience and 21 years of marketing experience in managerial positions in different parts of the world. He is well known for his YouTube channel and the series Tarbiat e Aulad. His channel showcases 107 short lectures on for children and many majalis recited in different countries.

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