celebrity worshiping

Irrational Celebrity Worshiping and Its Consequences

There is a fine line between idolizing/worshiping and admiring celebrities. While some of us adore the talent and hard work of certain athletes/actors, some straight up idolize famous people to the point that they try to adopt a similar lifestyle to theirs.

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the prophets leadership

The Prophets Leadership: A Timeless Example

In various ways, we are all entrusted with leadership, even if it’s subtle. Every man with a wife and children is the leader of his household and must apply the lessons from the Prophet’s leadership to his family. Managers must apply these lessons to their employees, teachers to their classrooms, and those in community or organizational roles to those they serve. Leadership is present in every structure where human beings interact. Even if our leadership role is limited, it still exists and carries significance.

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The Holy Prophet’s Justice and Fairness

Justice in simple terms, refers to balancing things in its proper order and creating harmony. It also means putting everything in its rightful places and balancing things in the proper order.

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oneness of god

The Oneness of God’s Being

The notion of the Oneness of God, in contrast the notion of there being One God, is at the heart of several philosophies of the religions of the East and West. The Upanishads for example, which are among the Holy Scriptures of Hinduism, mention in the Chandogya Upanishad that everything is God. In fact, the Vedanta Philosophy of Hinduism states that there is nothing but God and that everything emanates from God and is indeed part of God.

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human rights

Advocate for Human Rights

The concept of justice and human rights in Islam is rooted in God’s Divine nature. The Qur’an states, “Verily, God does not do even an atom’s weight of injustice” (Qur’an 4:40).

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