Mohammed Khaku (Allentown, USA) is the past president of Al Ahad Islamic Center in Allentown. He is a Social and criminal justice writer and regularly writes for a number of international publications
shura differs from city to city, but a silken thread that binds each city is “Labaik Ya Imam Hussain”. Every city has its cultural ethnicity woven into the Azadari (rituals) of Hussein, but the cry of Ya Hussein remains the same.
The Majlis of Imam Hussein (AS) and the tears that roll down our cheeks are for the oppressed and each droplet being challenged to the tyrant.
We are not the “Nation of Weepers”, but these weeping and wailing have protected the school of Sayyidush-Shuhada, and this recounting of the tragedy has kept his message alive.
Muharram is the month of epic heroism and self-sacrifice- the month in which truth condemned falsehood and branded the mark of disgrace upon the forehead of all oppressors and oppressed governments.
The crescent of Muharrum will light the sky on July 7th. The first month of Islamic calendar known as Muharram will emerge, bringing along with it all its grief, sadness, and mourning as the New Year commences.
Imam Hussain’s martyrdom in the battle of Karbala in 680 AD was not merely a historical event but a revolution to uphold justice and oppose oppression.
This movement continues to inspire millions around the globe with the slogan “Labaik Ya Hussain” ‘Here I am, at your service’. One can see today the genocide committed by Zionist Occupying Regime
This powerful expression of devotion, steadfastness and allegiance to the leader like Imam Hussain signifying a commitment to the principles of justice, righteousness, and opposition to oppression.
“Each time one stands up against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression.” Robert F. Kennedy.
Oppression is not only confined to global events but locally from police brutality of using of excessive force to separating children from parents at the border,
The hypocrisy of the western world and double standard of injustice in the justice system is entirely based on racism and Islamophobia.
What we need is justice system reform that upholds human rights and the dignity of people regardless of ethnicity.
Imam Ali’s letter to Malik al-Ashtar, the governor of Egypt, is a rich source of guidance on governance, ethics and leadership.
Imam Ali’s Letter to Malik al-Ashtar: The Richest Treasure
In a world where injustice and genocide continue the message of Imam Hussain remains a beacon of hope inspiring individuals to Speak Up! Silent No More!
The message of Imam Hussain transcends time and borders, resonating with people from all walks of life and the slogan becomes a plea for justice.
Imam Hussain chose to confront oppression and tyranny, knowing the result would be the sacrifice of his life, family, and companions including his six-month-old baby, yet never wavering from his commitment to justice.
In his last will he made to his brother Muhammad ibn Hananiyah while departing from Makkah, the Imam declares:
“Indeed, I have not risen to do mischief, neither as an adventurer nor to cause corruption and tyranny. I have risen solely to seek the reform of the Ummah of my grandfather. I want to command what is good and stop what is wrong, and (in this) I follow the conduct of my grandfather and my father, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.”
In a letter to the people of Kufa, he outlines the Islamic concept of a worthy ruler:
“By my life, the leader is one who acts in accordance with the Scripture, upholds justice in society, conducts its affairs according to what is righteous, and dedicates himself to God.”
To conclude, Imam Hussain’s message remains as relevant today as it was centuries ago. It is sad that the Arab leaders commemorate Ashura and chant the slogan without sincerity nor striving to live by its principles.
This Muharun let us all become agents of positive transformation towards upholding justice and opposing oppression. Let us heed the call of Imam Hussain, not just in words or lip service but in actions.
Every day is Ashura, and every land is Karbala. Speak Up! Silent No More! Stand for justice by following the footsteps of the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad.
Dr. Ali Shariati “For every revolution, there are two visages: blood and message. All battlefields are Karbala, all months are Muharram, and all days are Ashura. One has to choose either the blood or the message, to be either Hussein or Zainab.”
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