Personal Development

Appreciate people and not things

Personal Development

You can choose to be happy as soon you realize how fortunate you are in comparison to 80% of the world;

You can choose to be content with what you have when you consider how hard your parents worked to get you to where you are;

You can choose to remember how much more you have to learn about your position in society or your perceived knowledge;

You can choose to free yourself from your device by appreciating the Creators’ magnificent world out there;

The choice of spending time with family and friends is so precious and far outweighs the feeling of loss once they are no longer with you for the memories remain eternal;

There is so much to be thankful for if you take the time to appreciate what you have versus yearning for what you don’t.

Remember choice, not circumstances determine your success.

Do enjoy the journey even more than reaching the ultimate destination. Appreciate people and not things.



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