Life Goals

Stay Unique

Asgar-Dhanji The writer, Asgar Jafferali Dhanji (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) served as the Secretary-General of the Africa Federation for two – 3-years terms.  He served as JIBA Vice Chairman – with a particular passion for raising funds and offering microfinance to our Community – for low-income, underprivileged, startups, Business loans, individuals, and small enterprises — thereby giving them opportunities to grow economically.  He is the founder of Imaan Finance Ltd — the First Islamic Finance Institution in Tanzania.  and has also served in Dar es Salaam Jamaat’s Arbitration Committee as well as a Board member of Ebrahim Haji Charitable Hospital – with a particular passion for the project of building the new hospital.  He is now a motivational/Inspirational speaker giving regular Saturday Fajr lectures at Dar Imambara.

Life Goals

You are born original. We often try to be like others in work meetings, dressing even in opinions.

But it’s important to be open and be yourself about your unique ambition, personality traits, desires and strengths. Why chase someone else’s dream; what’s wrong with your own? We all have a unique set of goals, dreams, needs and ambitions but to get caught up in other people’s dreams about how to live is a mistake!

If you want inner peace and fulfilment accept:
Your flaws and imperfections.
Listen to your inner voice.
Be honest about what you truly wish for and care about.
Focus on your journey and your life goals.
Learn to say NO – stand firm on your values and principles.
Put your time and energy into chasing your aspirations/achievements.

We can never achieve goals that envy sets for us. Looking at your friends/others and wishing you had what they had is a waste of precious energy.

“Because we are all unique what makes another happy may do the opposite for you”.

-Marcus Buckingham.

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