Ramadhan – Part 1

Contributed by Zishaan Karim,

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

O Allah, I ask You with the asking of one whose indigence is extreme

Who has stated to You in difficulties, his needs

        Dua Kumayl

When I look at what I have gathered I see my indigence as there are so many opportunities, so many situations where I can acquire and collect for my journey ahead but alas I am blinded by the glamour around.

In the midst of materialism and glamour, I forgot that the reality lies with You and You are the true Light; everything other than you is illusion and delusive.

Here I am, expressing my indigence to you, knowing with certainty that your grant will be based on Your Munificence and not based upon my poverty.

I do deserve naught from You but Your Grace will not let me go empty handed.

I have always been at Your door in times of difficulties, and You have always given me more than my needs. My relation with You has always been one where I expect maximum from Your end

“Give me, O Lord, all that which I have asked for from You and grant me more favor…”

-Dua Abu Hamza Thumaly

And my reaction is reversed yet You have never forsaken me.

“O Lord, You give an invitation but I turn it down. You become familiar with me but I do not care for You. You love me but I do not correspond to You as if You are overreaching me. Yet You do not abstain from bestowing favours and blessings on me from Your mercy and generosity”

        Dua al Iftitah

In these days of reaching Your nearness, I seek ability to tread on the path of those who have been able to meet you with a contented heart.

About the author

Zishaan E Fatima Karim is a writer and a poet, passionate about making a difference and believes in beginning at the roots. She has a Montessori Diploma in Early Childhood Education and 4 decades' experience in teaching as a Madrasah teacher. She also writes children's stories and creates comic strips & video stories for little children.

She facilitates Teaching Skills Practice programs under the MCE of WF and Leadership and Mentorship Development Programs under CBG of AFed.

"Small changes by many people equals a Big Change," is her motto. With that, she anticipates the reappearance of Al Hujjah (atfs) and wishes to be a part of his system of governance.

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