Bibi Fatima

Lady Fatima Through The Eyes Of Her Father – Documentary

Ahlulbayt TV presents a heart touching documentary on the life of Fatima through the eyes of her father. Have you ever wondered about the life and personality of Lady Fatima Zahra (as). Who was she? What can we learn from her? How did the holy Prophet (pbuh) treat her? Find out as we take a look at Fatima Zahra (as) through the eyes of her father.

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The Erosion of Empathy

Neuroscientific studies reveal how spirituality and biology intersect to foster empathy. Mirror neurons, located in the brain, are activated when we observe the emotions or actions of others, allowing us to resonate with their experiences. These neurons provide the biological foundation for understanding others’ feelings, forming the basis of emotional connections.

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What Learning Entails

What Learning Entails

The second level of learning is understanding. To understand something is to be able to simplify it and explain it in your own words. The Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman formulated a method of learning that came to be known as the Feynman technique which revolves around the concept of being able to simplify things and explain complex ideas so that even an eight year old can understand.

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celebrity worshiping

Irrational Celebrity Worshiping and Its Consequences

There is a fine line between idolizing/worshiping and admiring celebrities. While some of us adore the talent and hard work of certain athletes/actors, some straight up idolize famous people to the point that they try to adopt a similar lifestyle to theirs.

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