Al-Hajj Khalil Champsi (Toronto, Canada)
[Shakir 2:215] They ask you as to what they should spend. Say: Whatever wealth you spend, it is for the parents and the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, and whatever good you do, Allah surely knows it.
Islam is the only religion which makes spending in the way of Allah is obligatory. Every Muslim must follow the divine commandments as to how the bounties of Allah, given to him, should be shared with his less fortunate relatives and fellow human beings. This verse tells us the order in which charity should be given. First in the list, are the parents, then the near relatives, the orphans, the needy and the wayfarer. There is no reward if parents and the nearer kindred are overlooked in order to meet the demands of others. The needs of the parents should be cared for as a duty without the embarrassment of their having to ask for the same. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) advised his followers to take care of the parents, brothers and sisters, and the nearest relatives first, and then the others. It must also be noted that wars (in self-defence) require funds. To finance such defensive wars is as important as spending for the helpless relatives, because it is in the interest of the whole community that the invaders should not be allowed to destroy the polity of the faithful.
The Holy Quran provide one with a graphic example of the reward for those who give in the ways of God. One who expects no return but gives for achieve the happiness of God.
[ 2:261] The parable of those who spend their property in the way of Allah is as the parable of a grain growing seven ears (with) a hundred grains in every ear; and Allah multiplies for whom He pleases; and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing
A very special form of giving takes the form of small, personal acts of kindness. Very often it is not money or belongings that people need, it’s the things that can’t be seen, such as advice reassurance, a kind word, compliments or a smile.
Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as) says,’ a smile to another person can be considered as act of charity ’.The power of one smiling cannot be under estimated since it has a great impact in human relationships.
One of life’s most basic laws is “every single act of love, kindness and generosity will multiply and return to you many times over “. The more you give the happier you will feel.
Your life is like a river of energy, continually flowing. What happens when a river stops moving? It get very muddy, and stagnant. A fast flowing river is full of life and clear water. Where would you rather drink?
The acts of giving and receiving are a continuous process of circulation that continues the flow of your life’s energies. For one person to receive someone else has to give. It’s a cycle of energy that flows continually onwards.
Pause for as moment as you read this, and take a big, deep breath. Hold it for as long as you possibly can. As you hold it inside, notice how uncomfortable you begin to feel when you are holding on to something that is meant to be released.
Now, breath out, completely and hold your breath with your lungs fully emptied. Feel how uncomfortable you feel when you are resisting taking in something that you need.
True giving, without expectation of anything in return is as effortless as breathing.
What and how to Give. There are many ways one can give
- Give our talents: If one has a specific talent or expertise, use for the benefit of others.
- Give blood: Try to register at the Blood Banks to donate Blood or participate in annual Ashura Kerbala event
- Give recognition: Recognize one in spirit of volunteering or a in the family for their extra-ordinary contributions
- Give a helping hand: Look at one’s neigbour or friend and assist and help out and increase human social contact
- Give a recommendation :One of the way to is to provide recommendation for University entry students for Scholarship purpose or workplace entry positions or voluntary organizations.
- Give the gift of laughter: Create a happy environment at home and place of work and worship .Our Prophet Muhammad (saw) had a habit of smiling and laughter around his companions which created positive energy even during difficult times
- Give an invitation: One of a good action in Islam is to invite one’s relative or friend for a meal at home .This act was part was in DNA of our Ahlulbayt who loved sharing meals with others. It is narrated, Nabih Ibrahim (a),the monotheist Prophet recognized by all three major religions Islam, Judaism and Christianity, was always have a guest during meal times. He rather insisted in having even wayfarer join him for meals.
- Give good advice: Imam Ali al Ridha (as ) said, ’Love for others what you love for yourself ‘.One should be very sincere is giving guidance to others in all aspects of life.
- Give encouragement : Mutual encouragement is highly recommended in Islam. During this period of pandemic (C-19) , many people in many countries are under lock-down and are challenged with mental health issues ,reaching out and communicating with others has great benefits and lifts the moral of others and encourages positive mental attitude.
Quran translation : Agha Pooya
The Art of Happiness ezine
The Art of learning and giving back by by Patrick Verdonk