Dr Sibtain Panjwani – UK

This week, we share with our readers a video lecture on understanding the value of Diversity around us and within us. It also discusses how we should live in a plural society with divergent religions, ideologies and views. The lecture goes on to explain how differing interpretations of our religious texts can occur  and discusses possible ways to move forward as a Muslim community. I believe that you will find the content beneficial to you as it may enhance our understanding of diversity that surround us.

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About the author

Dr. Sibtain Panjwani is a Dental Surgeon by Profession with a special interest in Medical Law and Ethics having obtained an MA from King’s College London and a PhD in Law at the University of Essex.

He regularly gives lectures at various institutes and takes interest in writing articles and conference papers on subjects ranging from law and religion to ethics and community affairs.

He held the position of the Secretary General of The World Federation of KSI Muslim Communities from 1996 – 2003.

The Awakening Project was created by Dr. Sibtain Panjwani, a project that seeks participation and reform from community members themselves – madrasah teachers, professionals, volunteers, scholars, laymen and laywomen, youths, the elderly and all those interested in meeting current and future social, spiritual, ethical and cultural challenges.

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