Murtaza Somji,
Nairobi, Kenya
Oftentimes it has been argued that despite us raising our hands to supplicate to the Almighty, Duas do not get fulfilled. Whilst generally there is a feeling of contentment on the way life is treating us in comparison to others, the singularity that the fulfillment of Duas take a long time to be realized remains largely universal.
Before we embark on the evasive phenomenon of why Duas are not implicitly fulfilled, there is need to understand what is a Dua and the methodology of supplication. We will also examine the fact that if Allah (SWT) is closer to us than our Jugular vein, why then the need of supplicating.
In doing so, I would like to refer to the renowned Ayat of the Holy Qur’an where The Almightyproclaims
‘2:186:  I respond to the supplicant when he calls on me’.
To establish the above fact, we need to board the ship of self-introspection. We need to do a self-analysis survey and score points against ourselves. The first step therefore is to determine that in the chain of supplication who is the weakest link. A bout of soul-searching will reveal that the weakest link is indeed the supplicator, who takes beseeching Dua as a normal chore. Raise your hands, ask and wait for it to be realized. Dua is supposedly the Fuel of Faith and therefore we need to first understand the basic tenets of Faith. This can only be achieved by strengtheningour Understanding (Ma’refat) of Allah (SWT) and by bowing down in absolute Submission in the presence of HIS exalted Majesty.
Once we slowly begin acquiring the Ma’refat of Allah (S.W.T) and abiding by the guiding principles of religion; we will start appreciatingthe Munificence of the Creator, His benevolence and His Mercyin real time. The process of introspection starts simultaneously with this practice as our belief becomes steadfast and the flavor of asking for HIS favors progresses with fervor. Submitting ourselves to HIS realm, raising our hands and imploring the Almighty to bestow glad tidings upon us will automatically follow. However, the introspection consists of a certain criterion which has to be met before we seek redemption from our Lord. The benchmarks that we need to put to practice include:
- Our Akhlaq, Adaab, Act of Worship, etc., – Are we good to our commitment or are we committing to be good for that particular moment whilst beseeching HIM?
- When we raise our hands in supplication, are our hands clean of any unnatural lines that might have etched themselves by taking someone’s Haq?
- When we speak to HIM, does our tongue honour our given promises and does it sing praises of the Lord?Do we painstakingly proclaim that we have erred and seek his infinite Mercy?
- When a tear drops from our eyes, have we not made someone else cry due to our negligence, delay, speech…… Are those tears clean of not bringing tears to someone else’s eyes?
- And finally, when we call upon HIM (for that is what HE says – ‘when he calls upon me’) are we capable of calling upon HIM – Do we the above credentials to call upon our Lord?
The above do not in any uncertain way prevents us from pouring our heart out to HIM in times of contentment and in times of desolation, for it is HE who has asked us to ask from HIM and cautioned us not to despair of HIS mercy. Rather;they are the building blocks of our character, encouraging us to elevate ourselves to the highest level of Humanity. They represent a moral compass within us, helping us analyze ourselves and know our shortfalls; reminding us of being Good to HIS creation. Â Dua also instils in us Hope and creates a sense of belonging and establishing communication with the Almighty.It further encourages us to call upon HIM and ask for his favours, despite HIM being closer to us than our Jugular.
Having scaled theprimary rung of the weakest link, we now approach the revered domain of communicating with our Lord. The One who has blessed us more than we deserve and has forgiven us even when we have forgotten HIM (Dua-e-Qumail). The right way to register in this domain is by performing Wudhoo, entering a zone that is blessed by HIM, acquiring a posture that confirms submission and then supplicating with full hope in the vast realm of his infinite mercy, confident that our prayers will definitely be answered by the Merciful One.
Whilst the day of Arafat holds the highest place of Duas to be accepted, all other abodes of worship are equally good to supplicate. And what better time when raindropsdescend from the sky in the form of blessings; soaking the scorched earth with soft subtle and reassuring calm.
Whilst asking Dua with lucidity is noble, it is important to note that for our Duas to have a profound effect, we need to indulge in Munajaat (whispers from the heart) in the stillness of the night; when the world has gone to sleep and our cell-phones are parked elsewhere on silent. It’s a silent meaningful conversation between Abd & Ma’bood, heart to heart, totally personified.
The most important characteristicsof asking Dua is threefold and is extremely beneficial to mankind. It places the supplicator on a pedestal of many attributes. As we start beseeching Allah SWT, we have to elevate our character– this can only be achieved by surpassing the norm and ascending to a sublime station of behaviour and interaction with fellow human beings.
Secondly, we have to be at One with our creator – this increases our concentration and focusses solely on the magnanimity and the vastness of the bounties bestowed upon us by our Lord.
And lastly we have to practice Humility by completely submitting ourselves infront of the Lord Almighty.
Without really realizing it; we have achieved character-abundance even before we have started supplicating. The innate qualities we slowly acquire are as below:
- A refined characterinfused in our daily lifestyle, a focused approachpropelling us to perfection – crowned with the most likable quality of all – Humility.
- It helps us to touch lives and live meaningfully, journeying us from Human Being to being Human.
- It also transcends us into looking backwards with Gratitude, upwards with Confidence and forward with Hope.
- A subtle attribute of supplication is inherently inculcatinga new wave of Spiritual Awakening and understanding the Wisdom of Allah (SWT).
- It educates us that Delays are not Denials and Patience is a virtue. If our Dua is not accepted quickly, we should not lose Hope, rather understand that time is not ripe for such a favour to be bestowed upon us, and finally
- Dua provides us with a window of asking forgiveness without feeling much guilt.
These I believe are the defining moments of asking Dua. Once we reach that station in life, there is no way our Duas cannot be accepted. HIS Grace is so vast that HE accommodates our requests and blesses them four-fold. Just like a renowned Urdu poet has laid it out so explicitly:
Khudi ko kar buland itna ke har taqdeer se pehle, Khuda bande se khud pooche Bataa teri raza kya hae
(Elevate yourself to such a station that Allah {SWT} himself asks you – ‘Tell me what is that in which you will find joy &contentment; what is it that you need.)