Admit it’s your choice

The writer, Asger Jafferali Dhanji (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) served the Secretary General of the Africa Federation for two – 3-years terms.  He served as JIBA Vice Chairman – with particular passion to raise funds and offer Micro Finance to our Community – for low income, underprivileged, Start-ups, Business loans, to individuals, small enterprises — thereby giving opportunities to grow economically.  He is the founder of Imaan Finance Ltd — First Islamic Finance Institution in Tanzania.  and has also served in Dar ss Salaam Jamaat’s Arbitration Committee as well as a Board member of Ebrahim Haji Charitable Hospital – with particular passion to the project of building the new hospital.  He is now a motivational/Inspirational speaker giving regular Saturday Fajr lectures at Dar Imambara

You have made the decision to do what you’re doing. Right.

You may have weighed the options, considered alternatives, studied the consequences then you decided to do what you are doing.

Having done that, in the process of your life you may experience problems, limitations, obstacles, long hours, difficult co-workers or an arrogant boss, or sacrifices you may have to make & all the rest that you are doing what you are doing because you have made the choice to do so.

What then would be your thoughts?

Lamenting, blame yourself, or your organization, or the attitude of victimising yourself, or feeling sorry?

Choices may be wrong, mistakes & failures are part of life (aren’t we human)?

Most of us fall into the trap of believing that our circumstances are entirely beyond our control. But taking responsibility for your choices, however, takes you out of any “poor me” thinking & into an empowering “I am in charge of my life”-mindset is very important.

Don’t ever feel trapped & resentful – a victim of “the way things have to be”. Admit that it’s your choice, many people resist it (complaining & blaming) yet if you can embrace it, your life can begin to change immediately.

You get only one life, correct it & continue to improve, make changes, don’t be afraid to live the way you want, remember, it’s never too late in life, reflect, have courage & take action after careful consideration.
You will feel less stressed & significantly more successful.

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