
Humility: A Virtue for Clear Thinking

by Mohamedarif Suleman (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) Mohamedarif Mohamed Suleman (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) is a digital marketing specialist and an Educator-cum-Trainer. He has…

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52 minutes of gossip in a day

by Mohamedarif Suleman (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) Mohamedarif Mohamed Suleman (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) is a digital marketing specialist and an Educator-cum-Trainer. He has…

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A Simple Thought – Friday, 1st October 2021

Defying and defining darkness Anne Frank once quipped “Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” that remains to be…

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A Simple Thought: Monday, 10th July ’17

A simple thought from The Community on Friday:  An oft repeated subject that draws sharp reactions from both divides of the argument is the…

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