
The Practice of Meditation

Meditation is a practice that has evolved from various spiritual traditions of the East that traces its origins thousands of years back. Being of various kinds, meditation has traditionally been used as a spiritual practice that begins with calming the mind and training it to be present.

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Learning with the Feynman Method

The first step is to pick a topic of your interest or a topic that you’re learning in school or college. Learn the topic with understanding, by reading the textbooks, making mind maps, watching relevant videos on the Internet, etcetera. The key here is to understand what you’re learning. 

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What Learning Entails

What Learning Entails

The second level of learning is understanding. To understand something is to be able to simplify it and explain it in your own words. The Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman formulated a method of learning that came to be known as the Feynman technique which revolves around the concept of being able to simplify things and explain complex ideas so that even an eight year old can understand.

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oneness of god

The Oneness of God’s Being

The notion of the Oneness of God, in contrast the notion of there being One God, is at the heart of several philosophies of the religions of the East and West. The Upanishads for example, which are among the Holy Scriptures of Hinduism, mention in the Chandogya Upanishad that everything is God. In fact, the Vedanta Philosophy of Hinduism states that there is nothing but God and that everything emanates from God and is indeed part of God.

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Reading the Quran Psychologically

The Quran is for Muslims a revelation from God. It is a book of guidance, shining light amidst the darkness of the times reassuring the believers of what is unknown.

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