
Transforming Your Mindset for Success

Asgar-DhanjiThe writer, Asgar Jafferali Dhanji (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) served as the Secretary-General of the Africa Federation for two – 3-years terms.  He served as JIBA Vice Chairman – with a particular passion to raise funds and offer Micro Finance to our Community – for low-income, underprivileged, startups, Business loans, individuals, and small enterprises — thereby giving opportunities to grow economically.  He is the founder of Imaan Finance Ltd — the First Islamic Finance Institution in Tanzania.  and has also served in Dar es Salaam Jamaat’s Arbitration Committee as well as a Board member of Ebrahim Haji Charitable Hospital – with a particular passion for the project of building the new hospital.  He is now a motivational/Inspirational speaker giving regular Saturday Fajr lectures at Dar Imambara.




f you are looking for a jolt out of being stuck or give a fresh start then le u’s see how to go about it.

Sometimes transformation can occur out of the blue when it is least expected by default!

Ways to get transformation:
Review your negative traits or habits – if you are always running late, give yourself extra time to reach on time. Such a simple trait, yet many fail and fail on a daily basis!!

If you are always impatient, try to experience patience by fast thinking or quick reflection prior to taking any decision or action and you will soon adapt to patience (thinking will guide you if you should rush and ruin or ride with reason).

Patience will change your perspective.
Many are just critical of everything, when they are critical of you,
you have to be rational and let go the comments (it is simply their opinion – you have no control – which does not have to be true), rather than being hurt or be defensive or retaliate (when you perhaps know you are right). You will then experience transformation.

Experiencing magical transformation involves recognizing that you indeed have a choice.

When you are frustrated, bring awareness or even hope that there is another way of experiencing your conflict, dilemma or problem – this will open the door for it to occur.

Magical transformation is like a new beginning, it involves extricating yourself from an old worn-out way of thinking or behaving and replacing it with a more positive alternative.

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