The writer, Hasina Khalil Champsi (Toronto, Canada) is a mother of four whose goal in life is to empower individuals with skills following the Seerah of our Ahlulbayt (AS).
llah (swt) has introduced this outstanding personality as “Even as We sent to you an apostle from among yourselves, who recites to you Our signs and purifies you, and teaches you the Book and wisdom, and teaches you what you did not know” 2:151- Translator Qulli Qarai
Prophet Muhammad (saaw) declared His Prophethood during the most critical time in society. It was known as a dark society. During that Era, in the span of 23 years of his Prophethood, Muhammad (saaw) assisted his people and the people of other faiths, and creeds to revert to Islam. And today after centuries we find Islam as the fastest growing religion in the World.
The Prophet (saaw); the best of the creations, was sent to perfect mankind. Following his life choices, in the way He (saaw) spoke and the way He (saaw) conducted himself even during the most difficult time.
His footprints can be seen in every corner of this world by the resonance of the call to Prayer. The one thing He (saaw) practiced was mercy – which we the Muslims proudly talk about. The Prophet (saaw) was merciful to mankind as well as all creations of Allah (swt) be it animals, the environment. Here are some of His attributes which can help navigate through our life.
1. Integrity and Trust — he built a reputation for honesty and truthfulness; role-modelled.
2. Vision — he had a strategic mind offering, vision and direction through inspiration.
3. Courage — he showed incredible bravery and confidence in the face of adversity.
4. Competence — he was effective, reliable and made an impact.
5. Fairness — he was just and meritocratic in dealings including with non-Muslims.
6. Decisiveness — he would not sit on the fence, but consider options and then make a clear decision.
7. Servant-leadership — he led by example; and faced hardship with the people; actions not just words.
8. Wisdom — he was able to make considered judgements – drawing on knowledge and long-term view.
9. Patience — he showed deep resilience, forgiveness and the ability to go all the way.
10. Compassion and Warmth — he radiated heart, affection, appreciation and gentleness.
11. Emotional and Spiritual intelligence — he was able to inspire hope; and give people purpose and meaning.
The Quraysh of Mecca would call him As- Sadiq and Al Amin meaning truthful and trustworthy. How can a man have so many great qualities and be known as the embodiment of those qualities?
Imam Al-Ghazali — a master of character development, who deeply understood Prophetic leadership, recognised the need to set an example as a leader. He said in his famous advice to leaders: “The best of you are those best in character.”
Whether a Muslim is a parent or a child, a student or a teacher, a leader or a citizen he/she has to have consistency in daily dealings. Bringing Change to a society or Community starts from Home from MYSELF, ME. The Prophet Muhammad (saaw) once said: “The leader of a people is their servant.” We are all leaders in our field of expertise – professional or personal. A very profound but simple lesson learnt through the life of our Prophet is “Humility is a great quality of leadership which derives respect and not just fear or hatred.” Yousef Munayyer
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