celebrity worshiping

Irrational Celebrity Worshiping and Its Consequences

There is a fine line between idolizing/worshiping and admiring celebrities. While some of us adore the talent and hard work of certain athletes/actors, some straight up idolize famous people to the point that they try to adopt a similar lifestyle to theirs.

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The Holy Prophet’s Justice and Fairness

Justice in simple terms, refers to balancing things in its proper order and creating harmony. It also means putting everything in its rightful places and balancing things in the proper order.

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Standing up for the Truth in Today’s Era.

It’s hard to stand up for the truth in a world filled with glittery deceptions that tempt us to dwell in the comfort of nonchalance while people suffer immensely as a result of our cowardice. From watching a fellow classmate being bullied to witnessing a live streamed genocide unfold in front of our eyes, our silence in the face of injustice is deafening and can sometimes lead to severe consequences.

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Humanity’s responsibility towards asylum seekers facing persecution (video)

The writer, Sh Dr Imranali Panjwani (Chelmsford, UK) is a Senior Lecturer in Law, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK and Head of Diverse Legal Consulting. The…

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Relevance of Kerbala today

The writer, Saleha Suleman (Cape Town, South Africa) is a student and has been involved in leadership and community service positions from a young…

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