
Kindness 101 – a class in righteousness

Akhlaaq Amongst the most profound teachings of the Holy Qur’an, is the teaching of kindness. Indeed, the opening verse of Bismillah, alludes to the…

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Al-Mahaasin, The Beauties (From The Progeny Of Muhammad) – Part Four

The author, Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid Al-Barqi was a renowned Twelver Shi’a hadith scholar and historian of 3rd/9th century. Both Shi’a and Sunni scholars have relied on…

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Showing Gratitude and being thankful in Islam – Part Two

Al-Hajj Khalil Champsi (Toronto, Canada) Surely Allah gives us so many favours (blessings) that we are not able to count them all, He provides…

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Mind-body balance

Mind and Our Health

By Mohamedarif Suleman, (Nairobi, Kenya) Mind-body balance: In various instances, we have been advised by many of our aimmah (AS) that purity of the…

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