Murtaza Ramzanali Jivraj

Marhum Murtaza Ramzanali Jivraj


Murtaza Ramzanali Jivraj (Karbala)

Obituary by Africa Federation


Marhum Murtaza Ramzanali Jivraj was born in Ujiji, Kigoma on 3rd March 1946 and was the fourth child of his parents Ramzanali bhai and Mariam bai Jivraj who was blessed with twelve children. Late Murtaza bhai completed his primary education in Kigoma before moving to Dar-es-Salaam in 1964 to pursue his secondary school. On completion of his education, he joined the Ministry of Statistics Department of Census in 1967 and in 1971 moved to Mwanza where he started his own business of Vehicle Spares Parts and Hardware. He then moved back to Dar-es-Salaam in 1975 where he and his brothers successfully established a Photography outlet which over the years expanded to include Geo-Mirco and Photo Equipment Companies. Many members of the community will recall Murtaza bhai presence at all community occasions handling the videography of the functions.

Community Services

He began his Community services at a young age in Kigoma by serving as a volunteer of the Jamaat and then served in the Jamaat Committee before being appointed as the Joint Secretary of Kigoma Jamaat in 1967. He played a major role in starting the Ashura Night Julus for the first time in Kigoma in 1969, a tradition which continues to date by the Bilal Muslim Mission as most of our Community members have left Kigoma to settle in Dar es Salaam and other places. During his few years while in Mwanza, he served as a volunteer and was a Committee Member of the Jaffery Sports Club.

In Dar es Salaam, he joined the Ithna-Asheri Union Volunteer Corps (IUVC) in 1975 which offered services in various sectors of the Jamaat and also the Ithna-Asheri Union and Union Sports Club. He was actively involved in various programs of the IUVC, which include the Rufiji Flood Victims Aid Program, Ashura night Julus organizing ad-hoc committee, Bagamoyo annual majlis, Hussain Day and Milad-un-Nabii (SAWW) programs in Dar es Salaam.

He served as the Principal of Husayni Madressa Boys’ Section from 1983 – 1986 and was also the Chairman of the Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania from 2004 – 2007.

Tenure as AFED Archives Section

Murtaza bhai joined the AFED Archives Section as a member in 2007 and was appointed as its head in 2016 a position he held until the time of his death. He had a great interest in the history of our community; he also has a big personal collection of wide-ranging photographs of different Jamaats, Mosques, Imambarghas, people and glimpses of various occasions, which he has been collecting and preserving for many years. He had the vision to establish a library and gallery at the upcoming new AFED offices being constructed in Dar-es-Salaam and had presented the full plan at the 82nd Supreme Council Session held in December 2020.

Awards & Achievements

Marhum Murtaza Kerbala was bestowed the Abbasi Medal by Africa Federation Chairman Alhaj Shabir Najafi at the 82nd Supreme Council Session held in Dar-es-Salaam in December 2020, in recognition of his honorary and selfless services to the Community, Society and Humanity in large,

May Allah SWT repose the departed soul in the abundance of His mercy and rest him amongst the chosen ones – Ameen. We request our readers to remember marhum and all the Marhumeen with Sura-e-Fateha.

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