Know Yourself

Asgar-DhanjiThe writer, Asgar Jafferali Dhanji (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) served as the Secretary-General of the Africa Federation for two – 3-years terms.  He served as JIBA Vice Chairman – with a particular passion to raise funds and offer Micro Finance to our Community – for low-income, underprivileged, startups, Business loans, individuals, and small enterprises — thereby giving opportunities to grow economically.  He is the founder of Imaan Finance Ltd — the First Islamic Finance Institution in Tanzania.  and has also served in Dar es Salaam Jamaat’s Arbitration Committee as well as a Board member of Ebrahim Haji Charitable Hospital – with a particular passion for the project of building the new hospital.  He is now a motivational/Inspirational speaker giving regular Saturday Fajr lectures at Dar Imambara.

Personal development


ow well do you know yourself?
It is hard to live successful life being blind to parts of your own personality.

Once you understand yourself better, you will be able to optimize your personality by maximising your strengths & managing your weaknesses. We can be impatient, over-sensitive and emotional at times, and these are not easy personality traits to change.

Learn to recognize when you need to make an extra effort to be patient or thick-skinned. Review your behaviours, traits, psyche, style and mindset.

Every day people around you observe and experience these things when interacting with you. Reflect on what they really see and improve your personality.

Why stay blind to how you are perceived? The best way to learn more about your personality is by asking people for their opinion and feedback.

Try to exhibit traits like rational rather than emotional, be a good listener, be positive and be happy.
The secret is to be careful in situations where weaknesses might undermine you.

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