
A true leader


You see, a transparent admission and an apology is as big or a bit bigger than the mistake and disrespect was. Transparency sets the tone for correction and may serve as a setting stone for redevelopment.
However, there is a certain disrespect that an apology or explanation just doesn’t fix. It is not the strength of the words that counts, but the strength of the spirit needing it to be sincere in being apologetic.
Reactive abuse occurs when someone continuously provokes you until you reach your breaking point, and then blames you for your reaction. It is a common cause for feeling unsafe in productively expressing your anger. You were made to feel ashamed for your outburst, but it’s time to reclaim your power.
They try to manipulate you and the world at large when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect. Don’t shy away from contextualizing your reaction; just like peace is not the absence of war, but the presence of justice. As Seneca aptly put it, ‘All cruelty springs from weakness”.
Always keep in mind, that you are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice. Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think. Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions an illusion. So, avoid arguing with these people who believe their lies.
If you are a true leader, saying sorry and admitting to making a mistake serves you far better than uttering lie after lie to protect the original lie.
Leadership is courage! Leadership is strong on the outside and soft on the inside. Leadership is humbleness!

Fortunately, leadership is very simple, but….. unfortunately, it is very difficult to be simple!

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